An ever changing and evolving entity of sound

The idea is; some how creating machines that will produce an eternity of sound that is always different. No more albums or songs! It will be a machine you must fuel and modify. Once you turn it on it will do what you built it to do. There are enough VST’s and LFO’s to make … [Read more…]
Avoiding Cliché Themes in Electronic Music

Electronic music started off as an experimental music expression by the pioneers of machine generated sound. In the days where software and technology weren’t readily available, musicians had to heavily rely on improvisation and creativity. Today we have a different and more serious problem. Although the technology and communications seem to present a catalyst in … [Read more…]
German Techno – Who is Marusha?

She was born on 18 November 1966 in Nurenberg, made Berlin her home town, and without exaggeration she is the world`s most famous female DJ. Over the past few years she has travelled the globe and given millions of fans pleasure with her typical, highly individual “Marusha DJ Set”. Marusha`s amazing career began in 1991 … [Read more…]

Classes of Sound Generators Electronic Music Basics Most of us know the ABC of the electronic music. For example sine, saw, square and noise wave forms are used in traditional sound synthesis and accompanied by a variety of filters and envelopes. For example: ADSR – Attack, Delay, Sustain and Release, also CV – Control Voltage, … [Read more…]
Electronic Music

Writing electronic music may seem like an easy task at first. All who have tried have realised that there is a difference between writing a piece that sounds either amateurish or too commercial and creating something truly unique. Electronic music is supposed to be opening new horizons towards melodic and rhythmic structures that are not … [Read more…]