If we think about our brain in computer terms, it could be described as a combination of CPU, RAM and mass storage (eg. hard disk). Early stages of brain development in children are very closely related to how we perceive the world around us today. Depending on how the neuron connections bind together we have many possible brain structures and configurations. Some are more efficient – some are not. Some are optimised for creative processes and some for logic and math operations.
Now, does this mean that our talents and abilities are closely related to our childhood? Some will agree some will disagree. I believe that brain functions can be described as a complex set of layers of processes: thoughts, motoric actions (motion), coordination, consciousness, dream, outside world inputs (temperature, tactile, smell, visual, audio, taste), reason, sense of existence, calculations, decisions, creativity, emotions and many more. The question is how many of these can we pull through our mental pipeline without jamming it? This is a very individual thing and depends on how well optimised our brain is. It all depends on neural connections – but also on set of mental and deep brain processes that run us, just like an operating system runs hardware (eg. windows – IBM computer).
In order to assist someone who has difficulties with multiple mental processes (often very creative, intelligent and motivated people) we need to explain them how it all works. I suggest to all those who take interest in this field to do a bit of a research on neuropsychology. Resource:http://www.neuropsychologycentral.com
Once you figure out what’s happening beneath and how it all functions you might gain the ability to intelligently resolve all your conflicts and problems in regards to the brain bandwidth and its optimal use. Hope you find this text useful and inspiring.